SURVEY: NZ mobile media survey 2021: usage and telco opportunity grow - Venture Insights

SURVEY: NZ mobile media survey 2021: usage and telco opportunity grow


Key Takeaways


Mobile Video Streaming Preferences

Opportunity in video streaming space for 5G and telcos

Mobile Gaming


Figure 1. Survey question: Do you watch video streaming services (e.g., Netflix, YouTube, Foxtel, sports channels) on your mobile phone?

Figure 2. Survey question: Please select the top 3 video streaming service you watch the most on your mobile phone

Figure 3. Survey question: When your mobile is not connected via Wi-Fi (e.g., when out of the home/office), how satisfied are you with the mobile network load time and buffering for your video streaming? (5 is highest on the scale)

Figure 4. Survey question:  How much in total (across all sports apps – whether mobile or at home) are you willing to pay per month to watch sports?

Figure 5. Survey question: Would you be willing to pay more for a better 5G enabled mobile content or sports viewing experience?

Figure 6. Survey question: Would you change telco mobile providers if another mobile operator offered your favourite sports content bundled with your mobile plan?

Figure 7. Survey question: Do you use your mobile phone for playing games?

Figure 8. Survey question: Which types of game genres do you like to play on your mobile phone? (Respondents could select up to 3)

Figure 9. Survey question: On average are you spending more time playing games on your mobile versus your traditional games console?

Figure 10. Survey question: Would you be willing to pay more for a better 5G enabled mobile gaming experience?