REPORT: UBS Australasia Conference – 5G’s accelerating progress - Venture Insights

REPORT: UBS Australasia Conference – 5G’s accelerating progress

Venture Insights attended the annual UBS Investors Conference for 2018 on 12th and 13th November, with a number of interesting panels across the two days.
The participants of the 5G panel moderated by Venture Insights commented on the positive effects 5G will have on not just the telco industry but also verticals such as healthcare, transportation and manufacturing. The panel members consisted of leading experts from various aspects of the industry ranging from telcos to vendors to legal stakeholders. The panel members were Adam Bryant (CTO, Nokia Oceania), Els Baert (Director of Marketing and Communications, NetComm Wireless), Andres Torres (Head of Marketing, Ericsson), Chris Smith (Enterprise Services Executive, Telstra Enterprise) and Dr Martyn Taylor (Partner, Norton Rose Fullbright).