REPORT: TPGs merger strategy must focus on potential merger undertakings if it is to swing the ACCCs concerns - Venture Insights

REPORT: TPGs merger strategy must focus on potential merger undertakings if it is to swing the ACCCs concerns

The ACCC has extended its decision time for the proposed TPG-VHA merger and has raised preliminary concerns that it will lead to a substantial lessening of competition.
TPG has announced that it has ceased the rollout of its mobile network.
Our report looks at the likelihood of whether the TPG/VHA merger will be approved given the potential no-merger test options which the ACCC could consider. 
On 30 August 2018, TPG and VHA formally announced their plans to merge to create a third full service telco provider in Australia with a combined enterprise value of A$15bn, pro forma revenue of A$6bn and EBIDTA A$1.9bn. Shareholding is split 50.1% VHA – 49.9% TPG, with David Teoh to be non-executive chairman and Vodafone’s current CEO Iñaki Berroeta to be chief executive and managing director.