Telco market forecast by services
Retail telco market forecast by service type
Mobile forecasts
Fixed Broadband forecasts
Revenue market share of key players
Rollout progress – UFB ahead of its targets
UFB – 85% population coverage by June 2021
Fixed Broadband demand drivers
Convergence with Power
What is the role for 5G?
UFB providers response
Chorus FY21 financial update
Spark FY21 financial update
Methodology and definitions
About Venture Insights
Fig. 1: Retail telco market revenue growth rates by segment
Fig. 2: Total Telco market revenue by services
Fig. 3: Total Telco market revenue by services (NZ$m)
Fig 4: Mobile forecast
Fig 5: Fixed Broadband forecasts
Fig 6: Retail telco revenue market shares
Fig 7: Take-up rates – UFB vs NBN
Fig 8: UFB Households and businesses able to connect in 000’s
Fig 9: Monthly broadband data consumption per connection on Chorus network
Fig 10: Total UFB mass market fibre uptake by plan type
Figure 11: Examples of utility and telco convergence (NZ)
Figure 12: Would you consider purchasing your mobile phone service from a utility company if bundled with your electricity or gas service?
Fig 13: MVNOs and sub-brands in NZ
Fig 14: Consumer willingness to shift to 5G fixed wireless
Fig 15: Main deterrent to moving to 5G FWA
Fig 16: Expect to pay for 5G FWA
Fig 17: Income statement
Fig 18: Connections
Fig 19: Income statement
Fig 20: Operating revenues