REPORT: nbn’s Enterprise Market Strategy: Complementary or Competitive? - Venture Insights

REPORT: nbn’s Enterprise Market Strategy: Complementary or Competitive?

Prior to nbn’s arrival in the enterprise connectivity market, Telstra held a dominant position. The market suffered from a lack of competitive investment, with high barriers to entry, a low number of competitors in the market, and a lack of pricing transparency.


Key Takeaways


The Enterprise Fibre Market

Nbn Impact on the Enterprise Fibre Market

Industry Response

Conclusion: Winners and Losers


List of charts/tables

Figure 1: Telco operator enterprise market positioning

Figure 2: Nbn Enterprise Ethernet Architechture

Figure 3: Nbn fibre-based TC-2 enterprise access connections, with RSP comparisons

Figure 4: Australia Corporate Data and IP Forecast (A$m)