REPORT: e-Pharma: the rise of online pharmacy - Venture Insights

REPORT: e-Pharma: the rise of online pharmacy

This report provides a quantitative snapshot of the evolution of Australia’s pharmacy sector, in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic and the new technologies and business models that are making prescription drug distribution more convenient to Australians. The Australian government is currently introducing e-prescriptions under two models: the Token Model (where patients use a paper token or an electronic token sent to their device to access their electronic prescription) and the Active Script List Model (where patients gain access through their assertion of a single identity rather than through presentation of a token).

We anticipate that the online pharmaceutical spend will reach around $3.0bn by 2025, which will represent around 14% of the total pharmaceutical expenditure.

This report is based on our ePharma dashboard, which provides forecasts for key ePharma metrics in the Australian market. A link to the ePharma dashboard is included in the report.


Key Takeaways

Key Statistics

Online Penetration

Pharmacy expenditure by state

Pharmacy numbers

Pharmaceutical dispensary