The media industry has been at the receiving end of significant disruption and innovation in the past decade.
With 5G around the corner, the media industry is set for another round of innovation albeit this time with the opportunity to significantly improve their content offerings and provide a more richer video experience for consumers.
In the past decade, the traditional TV broadcast value chain has been subject to significant pressure due to new OTT market players such as Netflix and YouTube entering the market. And it doesn’t seem like the pressure is about to relent anytime soon. But, while traditional players are being by-passed by new market players in the value chain, advances in mobile network technologies i.e. 5G are set to unleash another wave of innovation and potentially disruption on the existing value chain as video consumption and even production increasingly become more mobile. 5G use cases are being explored across a number of industries (see Figure 1below) and specific benefits have already been identified in media. In this report, we outline six ways in which the rise of 5G is set to change the future of media and entertainment and lead to new revenue streams for telcos.