
Venture Insights maintains a strong quantitative analysis practice. We look at specific trends across the telco industry which, combined with the macroeconomic factors, are shaping the market both in the short and long term to do market sizing and forecasting.

Venture Insights has detailed forecasts for consumer, enterprise, and wholesale markets informed by local quantitative research

  • We have developed proprietary industry outlook models that are ‘‘bottom up” based on actual performance of our leading and smaller telco and media companies:
    • Six monthly consumer telco forecast
    • Six monthly advertising market forecast
    • 12 monthly enterprise/SMB telco forecast
      • Fixed services
      • Mobile services
      • Non-carriage NAS
    • 12 monthly wholesale telco forecast
    • 12 monthly video entertainment forecast
    • 12 monthly audio market forecast
    • 12 monthly AU data centre capacity forecast
  • Includes insights and data from our proprietary primary research into consumer and business behaviour and intentions.
  • These forecasts are available:
    • through subscription to our subscription service
    • through single copy sales
  • Additional analysis, data segmentation, or inclusion of items outside of the scope of the forecast program can be provided on a bespoke basis through consulting projects