Some recovery, more to come: UK broadband, telephony and pay TV trends Q1 2021 - Venture Insights

Some recovery, more to come: UK broadband, telephony and pay TV trends Q1 2021


Executive summary: Some recovery, more to come

Volume acceleration continues, but for how long?

Revenue growth recovers a bit, with much more to come

Diverging fortunes across the operators

ARPU still dipping for most

New customer pricing gently rising

Backbook pricing pressure partly driven by Ofcom-mandated notifications

Price rises to return in force next quarter

Full fibre and ultrafast adoption: progress slowed but not stopped

Q1 2021 trends: BT leads the broadband market shock

High speed broadband adoption continues to grow

Q1 2021 trends: line rental net adds drop back

Q1 2021 trends: pay TV still strong, Sky leads the way

Broadband subscribers

Consumer revenue

In/out-of-contract and existing/new customer pricing

Front/backbook pricing differential from Ofcom

Wholesale price control and Openreach’s new discounted pricing

Full fibre regulation

Subscriber and subscriber ARPU growth

Big 4 versus smaller player broadband growth

Ofcom broadband complaints

Pricing outside the ‘top four’

New customer pricing outside the ‘top four’

‘Top four’ ultrafast broadband pricing for new customers

Summary of recent price rises



Market net additions

RGU and subscriber growth

RGU ARPU, volume and revenue growth

Subscriber ARPU, volume, and revenue growth

Average RGU growth by operator

Consumer revenue growth by operator

Subscriber ARPU growth

RGU ARPU growth

Broadband entry level pricing, new customers (£/month)

Broadband superfast pricing, new customers (£/month)

Contract status of customers by provider, September 2019

Proportion of revenue at risk if OOC customers switched to …

Existing customer pricing changes

Openreach full fibre adoption where available

BT Consumer ultrafast (>100Mbps) adoption where available

Broadband organic net adds (000)

Broadband organic subscriber growth

High speed net adds (000)

High speed penetration of broadband bases

Line rental net additions (000)

Line rental subscriber growth

Pay TV net additions (000)

Pay TV subscriber growth

Broadband subscribers and net adds

Consumer revenue and revenue growth

Unlimited entry level broadband, in/out-of-contract pricing

September 2019 pricing differential figures (£/month)

November 2018 pricing differential figures (£/month)

Openreach wholesale pricing (£/month, excluding VAT)

Ofcom’s copper and full fibre new regulation summary

Average subscriber growth by operator

Subscriber ARPU growth by operator

Broadband net adds (000)

Broadband subscriber growth

Broadband complaints per 100,000 customers

Unlimited broadband dual-play, new customer pricing (£/month)

Pricing outside the ‘top four’ (£/month), lowest price available

Ultrafast offers and pricing by provider, £ per month

Ultrafast broadband pricing by provider

2021 price rises

2020 price rises

2019 price rises

2018 price rises

2017 price rises