SURVEY: AU broadband survey 2021: Broadband market converges as NBN migration reaches 89% - Venture Insights

SURVEY: AU broadband survey 2021: Broadband market converges as NBN migration reaches 89%


Key takeaways

Broadband penetration and RSP shares

Broadband RSP preferences and churn intentions

Working from home

5G fixed wireless intentions


Do you have a broadband connection at your home?

Who is your broadband provider?

For your home broadband, are you connected to the NBN?

What kind of NBN do you have?

Kind of broadband reported by non-NBN respondents

Reported monthly data usage on household broadband connection

Likelihood of respondents to switch home broadband providers by service provider

Main reason for thinking about changing home broadband provider

Home broadband provider churning respondents are thinking about moving to

Work from home situation of survey respondents

Did you upgrade your home broadband service to better support your work from home?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? “The experience of working from home has positively changed the way I/my company has…”

Preference for working from home in the future

Willingness to take up or switch to a 5G fixed wireless home broadband service if it becomes available

Reported advantages of 5G fixed wireless over fixed broadband

Reported advantages of fixed broadband over 5G fixed wireless

Willingness to pay for 5G fixed wireless