REPORT: Sports rights market hits an inflection point: New distribution players and models arising - Venture Insights

REPORT: Sports rights market hits an inflection point: New distribution players and models arising


The Australian sports rights rollercoaster

Tier one sports rights deals were growing

Foxtel is cannibalising viewers with its new streaming platforms

Anti-siphoning – At what point does the Government review?

Gambling advertising is another flashpoint

A new, more complex rights market is emerging

Telco and tech companies entering the fray

Sporting bodies will adapt to maximise revenue


Australian big 4 sports rights cost over time

Australian major broadcasters’ revenues (2013A-2020A)

Change in Foxtel subscribers Q2, Q3 and Q4 Calendar Year 2019 and 2020

Changes in the number of sporting events protected under Anti-siphoning by sporting code

A tentative timetable of upcoming available sports rights in Australia