SURVEY: Consumer media 2021 - Venture Insights

SURVEY: Consumer media 2021


Key Takeaways


Television Viewing

Video devices in households

Internet Connection in TV Sets
TV Definition

Pay and On-demand viewing patterns

Pay TV Viewing
BVOD Viewing
SVOD Viewing

Future viewing trends


Number of screen devices used to watch video services inside households

How is your TV connected to the Internet?

Reasons for not connecting main TV to the Internet (more than one option could be selected)

What is the highest definition television set in your household?

Do you have any plans to buy (or buy another) 4K or better definition TV?

Services used to watch pay TV in the households

Kinds of devices used to watch catch-up TV in households. (Respondents could pick multiple options)

SVOD services used in households

Survey question: how do you think your household consumption will change over the next twelve months?