Figure 1. Outcomes and impacts on the Infrastructure Australia Audit
Figure 2. Challenges and opportunities in the energy market – affordable and competitive prices
Figure 3. Challenges and opportunities in the energy market – secure and reliable and sustainable energy
Figure 4. Challenges and opportunities in the energy market – Planning for our future energy networks
Figure 5. Challenges and opportunities in the energy market – new opportunities for community choice
Figure 6. Challenges and opportunities in the energy market – delivering energy in remote communities
Figure 7. Challenges and opportunities in the energy market – harnessing Australia’s energy advantage
Figure 8. Gas connection rates by state and territory, and between cities and regions
Figure 9. The electricity price index for the last decade
Figure 10. Cost of electricity breakdown (2007 to 2018)
Figure 11. Growth in distribution asset bases and capital costs per customer
Figure 12. Growth in transmission asset bases and capital costs per customer
Figure 13. Energy cost as a percentage of income
Figure 14. Electricity price relative to purchasing power in comparable countries (2004 vs 2016)
Figure 15. Energy cost, inputs cost and the value of outputs indices
Figure 16. Consumer willingness to reduce energy consumption at times of hot weather
Figure 17. Levelised cost of energy
Figure 18. The projected cost of solar PV and batteries
Figure 19. Number of solar households by income quintiles
Figure 20. Demand peak shifting
Figure 21. Australian wind and solar resources