REPORT: Netcomm Wireless: From modems to m2m to fixed wireless and 5G - Venture Insights

REPORT: Netcomm Wireless: From modems to m2m to fixed wireless and 5G

In the past six years, NetComm Wireless has transformed itself from internet modem manufacturer to a leading telco equipment supplier in a range of complex wireless and fixed line technologies to Tier 1 telcos across the world.
With 5G just around the corner, NetComm is investing heavily to leverage its experience in fixed wireless and position itself as a leading supplier of fixed wireless technology to major telcos across the world.
Netcomm Wireless (NTC) is a leading telecommunications equipment provider in the fixed wireless, M2M/IoT, and FTTdp (Fibre to the Distribution Point) technologies. NTC develops, manufactures and sells data communications devices, which are used for both consumer and commercial purposes. Its products are generally used towards the ‘edge’ of the network, connecting the ‘end user’ to the internet – where the ‘end user’ may be a person or an electronic device. In this report, we highlight the key takeaways from our meeting with NTC’s CEO Ken Sheridan on 4th December at their Sydney office to discuss their recent operating performance and future initiatives.